Eleaf keeps pleasing and pleasing us with new devices without stopping. I’m already tired of counting the devices they release in short periods of time. Today I will tell you about a new device from the company, which, by the way, is not from the iStick line and is called Aster.
Uniform design was a characteristic feature of Eleaf not so long ago, but recently they started to spend more time on design and make more unique devices. The new product stands out from the company’s previous boxmods, and boxmods in general. It looks very good, I would even say that I like it. The size of the boxmod is quite small: 91×35.5×23 mm, so small atomizers up to 23 mm in diameter will fit here perfectly.
The first thing I liked was the shape of the box mod. It looks very comfortable. The second color scheme, I want pink! buy vape nz The third is the non-standard location of the controls, which I would consider a minus in terms of convenience, but a plus for the appearance.
Technical specifications are very much on the level in its weight category of boxmods for 75W. But in the end it turns out that Eleaf compete with themselves. If I’m not mistaken. they already have 5 or even more devices for 75-80 W. Nevertheless, here are the technical specifications of the boxmod:
Maximum power of the boxmod is 75W.
Minimum supported resistance of atomizer 0.1 ohm, in thermocontrol mode 0.05 ohm at temperature 200-600F or 100-315.5C.
The boxmod works in the following modes: VW/Bypass/SmartTC(Ni/Ti/SS/TCR-m1,m2,m3). The firmware update via microusb, of course, was not excluded.
From the shape and size of the box mod I first thought there would be a built in battery, but no. The power source is an 18650 battery which you can charge via microusb. The lid is held on magnets and reminded me most of the Subox mini by Kanger.
The connector is steel, spring loaded and 23mm in diameter. As I’ve already said, compact atomizers up to 23 mm are best suited for a box mod.
The device is just super! And for 25-27 green it will be ripped off with hands. The only thing I don’t understand is why Eleaf is trying to compete with itself.